Saturday, 13 April 2013

Slava's Snow Show

Slava's Snow Show

 It is the best snow show that Qatar National Convection center had adopted it, this show was presented at QNCC from the 28-31 of March. The prices of the tickets were reasonable and worth it. The theater was content of hundreds of people, some of the naughty clowns, snow, water sprays everywhere, and hard storms which made the best snow show in Qatar. The display was characterized with comedy and Funny form with little laughter moment and sudden movements.  It received a wonderful impression by young and adult audience. They call him” The best clown in the world” this Snow Show is celebrated as “a theatre classic of the 20th Century” (The Times, London). Also we can see that it France had presented the same show with variety of clowns more that the snow show in Qatar, but I think that our show was more great that the French show because even that the French show had more clowns than the Qatari show but their clowns were like horrors and they scared the people and kids, but in Qatar the clowns were very funny and naughty. In addition, that this show fits kids and adult and it never clears of the photographer's presence with different cameras and I have seen the best shots ever of lovely snow show.

 this is the link for the snow show trail: